Access to Positive
Role Models
Homework Help
Cultural Enrichment Fieldtrips
Job Readiness
Career Exploration

Learn about our strategic plan to bring a new African American history museum to Aurora!

Our Mission
To be positive role models, mentors and father figures to at risk youth ages 7-18 to educate, motivate and equip them with tools to overcome adversity, space for healthy development and readiness for achievement of school and life success.
Our Vision
To work collaboratively with parents, school administrators and local government to create an infrastructure of meaningful programs and therapeutic services that foster the social and emotional skills development of students disconnected from their biological father or on the fail track and assist them in reaching their vocational, career and economic goals.
110 Students
Rites of Passage Program: ROP served 110 students, improved their confidence and GPA, identified smart goals, reduced infractions and motivated participants to achieve academic success.
20 Young Adults
Job for Youth Internship Program (JYIP): This Job training program provided 20 young adults ages 14-25 with little or no work experience with job readiness, employability skills and work based experience to increase their hireability.
225 Students
FIRE College and Career Program: 225 students were served and were able to identify school and community resources, select their career interest and know the pathway to achieve their career goal.
80 Youth
Skills and Drills Basketball Program (SDB): SDB served over 80 at risk youth who learned the benefits of hard work in sports, school and life.
1200 Students
Back to School Fair: Over 1200 students K-12 belonging to needy families received backpacks filled with school supplies, paper, note books, pencils, glue sticks, protractor, scissors etc.
5000 Families
Pop UP Food Give Away: In partnership with the City of Aurora, New Covenant Church, Northern Illinois Food Bank, & Interfaith Food Pantry, we were able to serve over 5000 families experiencing food insecurities.
115 Volunteers
Volunteers: AAMOU uses a combination of paid staff and volunteers to carry out programs and special events. Without reliable volunteers many of the services that we provide to the community wouldn't be possible otherwise.
A special heartfelt thank you goes out to the 115 volunteers for sacrificing their time, talent and good will to help individuals and families in need. We appreciate you!
“My son has struggled significantly with a diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder & ADHD. Because of these issues he attends a therapeutic school to help modify his behaviors. I felt it was equally important for him to be connected with young kids that experience similar difficulties in a positive structured setting. Although there is still much needed progress from him, he has gained a better perspective on how to tackle peer pressure along with better ways to express himself instead of acting out.”
“This program has exceeded my expectations because it truly is a place of unity where the kids are encouraged, challenged and motivated to strive for excellence. The mentors they have in place are reliable relatable faces which allows the kids to be receptive to being guided. I will highly recommend this agency above many because of the reasons indicated in this testimonial. We are so looking forward to rejoining again next year because this is such a wonderful program!!”
“City Leaders in Aurora Announce Plans to Reduce Crime” – Watch video